Friday, November 9, 2007

Karl Marx and the industrial revolution

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Karl Marx was born a German Jew in 1818 even though his father converted to Christianity he never believed in either religions. He even stated that religion was the opiate of the people. He lived during the Industrial Revolution and resented it. He didn't like the image of the low class being trampled by the rich factory owners. This led him to think of a new form of government called Communism. Communism formed on a government based on the working man. Wealth property and power were more or less distributed evenly and fairly. Communism is looked down upon mostly because it has never been proven to work. Most communist countries are ruled by power hungry dictators and even if their not it all boils down to people being too greedy to live with Communism. To put simply Communism looked better on paper.

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